Throwing Rocks at Houses

So, you’re about to step onto the ice for your first Learn to Curl session. First off, welcome! Second, don’t panic. Curling might look like a graceful blend of physics and wizardry, but with a little know-how (and a lot of practice), you’ll be sliding and delivering like a pro.

One of the best ways to get your delivery on point is using a 1-2-3 cadence—a simplified, structured way to throw the rock. Stick with this, and you won’t fall (as often). Here’s how it works:

The 1-2-3 Cadence: Step-by-Step

Before You Step In the Hack

  • Make sure your slider and sliding device are ready. If you’ve got curling shoes, take that gripper off.

  • Get your mind in the game. This isn’t shuffleboard. It’s curling.

1 - Set Up

  • Step into the hack (that’s the foot brace thing, for the uninitiated).

  • Step onto the slider, squat down, and hold the sliding device.

  • Check out the shot call and aiming point (that’s the broom your skip is holding, don’t ignore it, they know what they’re doing).

  • Give the bottom of the rock a quick clean.

  • Cock the handle to 45 degrees (not just for style).

2 - Press & Step

  • Press down slightly to load up some power.

  • Step back. This is crucial! Shift your hips up and back while moving into position.

3 - Slide & Release

  • Use the sliding device for balance (trust me, you’ll need it at first).

  • Start moving the rock first, then let your sliding foot follow.

  • As you finish the slide, rotate the handle to 12 o’clock (a clean release is everything).

  • Step off the slider and move aside, there’s more curling to do!

Why Step 2 is the Big Deal

If you’re a newbie, pay extra attention to Step 2. A solid Step position will:

  • Get the rock moving first, right on target.

  • Keep your sliding foot behind the rock, rather than flailing off in some random direction.

  • Help you generate power efficiently, instead of just hoping momentum does the work for you.

  • Eventually help you find your balance, which is kind of important unless you enjoy melting the ice with your rear end.

With Practice, You’ll Get:

  • A more balanced slide.

  • The ability to adjust your tempo and weight for different shots.

  • A smooth, efficient release with all energy moving forward.

Curling isn’t about brute force, it’s about precision, finesse, and knowing how to execute a solid delivery. So, nail down this 1-2-3 rhythm, and soon enough, you’ll be sliding into each shot like a seasoned curler.

Now, get out there and throw some rocks! And keep reading these articles, because knowledge is power, y’all.